Education Access

Services to support the education of all students

Educational Assessments

These identify the specific educational challenges  that a particular student is facing.  This may include such conditions as Dyslexia and can lead to support in school, university or work, including access arrangements for formal examinations.

Read more about educational assessments
Educational Assessments


For those who are assessing students and are aiming for the demanding APC qualification, we offer a mentoring scheme focusing on the report-writing activities which are a key part of an APC submission.  We are a SpLD Assessment Standards Committee [SASC] Authorised CPD Provider, so this scheme contributes to your core-CPD requirement.

Find out more about APC mentoring

School Support

In the classroom, I provide small group teaching, literacy interventions and create differentiated resources for class teachers.

I can assist with maintaining your staff internal knowledge-base relating to assessments, exams and SpLD information, and train members of staff in assessment practices. In addition I can perform assessments to support examination access arrangements.

School Support

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