I am very excited to be presenting at the dyscalculia conference in conjunction with EdgeHill University and Positive Dyslexia. I am presenting a one hour SASC approved course on using the Woodcock Johnson IV when carrying out maths assessments. Please join us
Announcing an exciting new joint venture bringing together some
of the most inspiring names in the field of neurodiversity. We have renowned speakers, offer great networking opportunities and fantastic 5-hours certified CPD, including 1-hour SASC
accredited CPD. Suitable for Dyscalculia Specialists, assessors, SENCO’s teachers.
teaching assistants, students & maths specialists.
Follow this link for more information
Confirmed Speakers include:
- Judy Hornigold
- Rebecca Thompson (1 hour SASC approved CPD )
- Cat Eadle and Rob Jennings from the Dyscalculia Network
- Daniel Ansari, Unversity of Western Ontario ( NB may be a live feed or recording)
- Anne McLoughlin, previously Senior Lecturer Edge Hill
- Kate Davies , Edge HIll
- Dr Kinga Morsanyi, Loughborough University